I Built my computer recently on christmas day. I got all the drivers and my motherboard came with sound drivers however I got the Realtek Drivers for my board since they were not on the disc (Or for some reason did not get installed) But anyways the drivers are all working fine i've had no problems with my computer at all yet however whenever i try to record or transmit on ventrilo (VOIP) with Stereo Mix there is no sound. When i record on audacity with stereo mix nothing is recorded. There is just no sound. The option is for stereo mix DOES exist and i know for sure that my motherboard has stereo mix. My friend also built a computer around the same time (Christmas break) with most of the same parts. He has my exact motherboard and his is working perfectly fine. The mobo im using is an EVGA X58. To anyone who can help I thank you and i will respond if you need to know any specs.