Realtek HD - 5.1 works as 2.1 - No surround available.

BuBu Shofronea

Sep 10, 2014
I've recently bought an wire for my central speaker and, when i plugged it in, i said why not to try an 5.1 setting, as before having it setted to 2.1. But there was no difference between them too. When i did the sound test and when i pressed the front-left speaker, both front and rear speakers as well as the subwoofer and the center one was hearing, and the same with the front-right speaker ( front and rear right speaker + center + subwoofer ). Doing some research in the sound settings, i found that if i turn down this : ( the red one ), i just turn down the whole system ( all the speakers and the subwoofer ), and nothing will happen if i adjust the others.

All jacks are plugged in the right order, as well as the main sound jack coming out from the computer, which is plugged in the 5.1 "jack" of the sound controller.

Hope i'll fix this soon and any idea to fix it is welcomed.

Sistemul tău are şase difuzoare, nu? Pentru şase difuzoare ai nevoie de 6 (şase) surse de semnal audio, deci trei cabluri stereo jack-to-jack. Tu ai deocamdata conectat un singur cablu, pe intrarea pentru difuzoarele faţă.

Aşa trebuie să arate sistemul cablat corect:

What kind of speaker system do you have? For a 5.1 system, you will need three stereo cables (jack-to-jack or jack-to-RCA) running from the PC to the speakers.

Also, you will have true 5.1 sound only in movies/games with 5.1 support; for music, you will need to turn the Environment ON (use Room or Living Room setting).

I'm just using a single cable coming out from the green jack to the main 5.1 jack of the sound controller. There were no other cables in the package box of the speakers. There must be a software issue as all the speakers are set to be front-ones type.

Foxconn G31MX ; I also have an light blue jack but when i plug it in it i get no more sound.
After i plugged in into the light-blue jack, while doing the sound test from control panel>sound, only rear speakers will hear, but those rear speakers will make hear again all of my speakers, including the subwoofer x.x
By default, your motherboard supports 2.0 audio, so the green jack goes to the front speakers (blue: audio line input, pink: microphone input). When enabling 4.0 surround, blue jack will go to the rear (surround) speakers (pink remains for microphone input). For a 5.1 setup, the pink jack will drive the center and the subwoofer speakers. You will need three stereo cables for a full 5.1 setup.
Nope, reinstalled with the latest driver and when i connect to the blue jack it goes only the rear-left/right speakers ( and as i said, when i say rear, i mean all of them ), and when i go for the green one, just the front ones ( all of them ).

Could you please let me see how do that 3 cables look like ? i mean do they finish with a jack like mine does ? Do i need any adapters ?
And isn't there any other option i can make each of my speaker hear separately... !?

If you use a single cable, it's normal, as it can pass only two channels at the time: either L+R front (when using the green jack), L+R rear (blue) or Center+SW (pink). What speaker system are you trying to use?

i have no idea the manufacter and model - bought it some time ago and i don't have any other informations for it.

Depending of your speaker system, the cables will look like this:

3x, or

Of course, if your speaker system has a custom 5.1 input plug (Genius, Logitech), you will need an original cable.

Ai conectat toate trei cablurile? Daca nu le conectezi pe toate trei si nu activezi 5.1 din programul Realtek, nu vei avea sunet surround.

poi da dar cele 2 mufe ( rosu/alb ) unde ar trebui sa le conectez ?, iar cea de mijloc, o 'bag' in unitate sau in controler ?

Eu in spatele controler-ului am cate un jack pentru fiecare boxa, inclusiv una pentru subwoofer si una pt curent. Adica mi-ar trebui un conector cu 6 mufe tip rosu-alb si una de celalalt tip :))

Pe panoul din spate al sistemului ar trebui sa fie trei perechi de mufe RCA de intrare colorate alb+rosu (alb: canalul stang, rosu: canalul drept); ele sunt grupate la fel ca iesirile PC, adica L+R faţă (cablul cu mufa jack verde), L+R spate (cablul cu mufa jack neagra) si C+SW (cablul cu mufa albastra). Deoarece placa de baza are doar 3 iesiri stereo, mufele de intrare de linie (cea albastra) si de microfon (cea roz) au dublu rol: in cazul activarii modului 5.1, intrarea de linie devine iesire pentru difuzoarele surround (spate), iar intrarea de microfon devine iesire pentru difuzoarele central si subwoofer.

Cand ajung acasa, incerc sa fac o diagrama de conexiuni si s-o postez aici.

Pe panoul din spate al controler-ului, inafara de cele 6 mufe pentru boxe si subwoofer, 3 intrari ale jack-ului din computer ( una 5.1, una doar pentru Front-Rear si una doar pentru Central si Subwoofer ) si mufa de alimentare nu mai e nimic altcv...

Fa o poza cu panoul din spate al amplificatorului si posteaz-o aici.

Re :

Mda, interesanta "jucarie"; am mai vazut asa ceva cu ceva vreme in urma. Suna decent, dar nu trebuie sa dai semnal prea mare in el, distorsioneaza relativ repede.

Iti trebuie cabluri cu mufe stereo jack de 3,5mm in ambele capete:

Sau cabluri adaptoare jack-la-RCA mama (si poti folosi cablurile pe care le ai):

Exista si mai ieftine, dar calitatea e o problema.
Poi nu am deja mufa cu jack de 3.5 in ambele capete deja ? din moment ce vine din jack-ul de la pc in jack-ul de la controller ? si nu e deja stereo adica doar n-o fi mono :)) care-i diferenta intre ce am eu si ce imi arati tu ?

Sistemul tău are şase difuzoare, nu? Pentru şase difuzoare ai nevoie de 6 (şase) surse de semnal audio, deci trei cabluri stereo jack-to-jack. Tu ai deocamdata conectat un singur cablu, pe intrarea pentru difuzoarele faţă.

Aşa trebuie să arate sistemul cablat corect: