[SOLVED] Rear exhaust 100%


Dec 25, 2020
So my 4 year old PC has always run at near enough silent, until this weekend, it has decided the rear exhaust fan should run at 100% for a while, then drop to silent and then back to 100%.

Literally nothing has changed, i’ve cleaned it, i’ve unplugged and replugged it back into the motherboard. I’ve not touched the bios.

So my case extraction fan keeps booting to 100% and dropping back down. My cpu and gpu temps are both below 60 degrees. I started gaming and my fps with a 3070 was down 30fps, so i ran a benchmark. It abandons the gpu test, so it assumed it was a gpu issue, so i swapped my 3070 for a 1060... exact same issue. The 3070 is OC’d, the 1060 isn’t.

Everything else on the benchmark is as normal. Literally nothing has changed between last weekend, when it was fine and this weekend, where the fan has been an issue and now the gpu’s.
Managed to get the GPU to not crash on bench test, by changing Physx setting to Auto-select.

managed to get a test done and got 151%, ran another test after and its down to 114% (0 percentile). But flashing the bios appears to have fixed the rear exhaust fan. Now i just have a massively underperforming gpu.

Restarted my pc. Gpu has gone again

Okay so i’ve now tested gpu in 3Dmark Timespy... yesterday i got 13,632 on graphics score. Now i’m at 10,360

Okay i have found my issue i believe. My Gpu is not boosting.

comparisons below


Can we move this to graphics cards? As other people may know the solution, as i am now down to a gpu issue and not a fan...
I get the feeling we need a lot more info. Parts? Frame rates in games? Temps/voltages?
It’s an i5-7600
Msi H110M

The 3070 was sat at 38 degrees idle, when the system fan boosts to 100%, the cpu at 50.

With the 1060 in, that sits at 80 degrees, but the rear exhaust fan stays quiet. But both gpu’s are abandoning the cpu benchmark.

Cod fps has gone from 130ish to 100fps
Okay the 1060 appears to have stopped the 4 startup beeps and the 100% rear exhaust fan, despite running much hotter. Even during gaming, my 3070 only hits 60 degrees or so.

i’m feeling this is a bios issue? But its only just started, after having the 3070 for two weeks.
Psu? Resolution? Ram amount and speed?

The cpu sits at 80c with the 1060? And cpu tests stop with either card in there? Sounds like you have a cpu temp issue.
Psu is Corsair RMx850w
2x8gb 2400mhz ram

no the the cpu sits at 50 degrees and performs fine.

The 1060 sits at 80ish degrees but no heavy fan use.
The 3070 sits at below 40 idle and the fan still boosts and around 60 in games.
Managed to get the GPU to not crash on bench test, by changing Physx setting to Auto-select.

managed to get a test done and got 151%, ran another test after and its down to 114% (0 percentile). But flashing the bios appears to have fixed the rear exhaust fan. Now i just have a massively underperforming gpu.

Restarted my pc. Gpu has gone again

Okay so i’ve now tested gpu in 3Dmark Timespy... yesterday i got 13,632 on graphics score. Now i’m at 10,360

Okay i have found my issue i believe. My Gpu is not boosting.

comparisons below


Can we move this to graphics cards? As other people may know the solution, as i am now down to a gpu issue and not a fan issue.

Okay i’ve sorted it. For anyone with same issue, i shall leave the solution below.

nvidia control panel -> physx to auto-select
Update bios
Remove all drivers, custom install new drivers with clean install.
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