Reboot only disconnects screen, case LEDS and fans keep going, and the system doesn't reboot anyway


Nov 1, 2014
This is my first build, and during the windows 7 installation it had to auto-restart but failed to do so for some reason:

- The monitor went black and came up with 'no input detected' (as expected)
- The PSU fans, CPU fan, case fans, case LEDS, and mobo lights stayed on
- The computer stays in this state and doesn't restart
- I have to manually hold down the power switch until it all turns off, and then press the button again to start it up

Specs: (PCPartPicker part list)
CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor
Motherboard: Asus Maximus VI Formula ATX LGA1150 Motherboard
Memory: Crucial Ballistix 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR3-1866 Memory
Storage: Crucial MX100 512GB 2.5" Solid State Drive
Case: NZXT LEXA S (Black) ATX Mid Tower Case
Power Supply: SeaSonic 660W 80+ Platinum Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (OEM) (64-bit)

I've read it is either a mobo or psu problem, but all the solutions I've tried don't rectify the problem:

I've tried:

- Holding down the MemOk! button on startup, (this clears the CMOS if I'm correct), and it went fine and came up on the monitor with a success message.

- Removed all mobo connections apart from CPU, RAM and PSU. When I press the start button on the mobo it boots into the BIOS menu. If I then press the reset button the screen goes off but the mobo lights and CPU fan keep going. So this at least limits the problem down to the mobo/psu I think.

- From the start menu the Shut Down option works fine, as does Sleep. But Restart doesn't.

My next thing to try is just to install all BIOS and Windows 7 Updates and Drivers, but other than that I am out of ideas.

Built-in Start and Reset buttons image for reference: