Rebuilding pc around cpu

Oct 18, 2018
I have a ryzen 7 1700 that my aunt gave me.
I wanted to use it to update my pc,but since my mother board isnt am4 and my graphyc card is from 10 years ago,I'd like to change those two too.
Which are best for league of legend and rendering whitout going over 350€.
My power supply is ADJ 210-00502 500W.
I have windows 10 installed in a WD5000 ABYS-01TNAO,I gkt the hardisk by someone I know because my old one was broke so I dont know how he got win 10.
You would need to get a new:
1)Motherboard (a good quality B350 is the most cost effective)
2)DDR4 RAM (at least a 3000MHz 16GB or 1 stick of 8GB if budget doesnt allow for 16)
3)GPU - the most basic of gpu can run LoL just fine (Nvidia 1050 to start with, higher-tier GPU if budget allows)

For editing?
Editing would mostly be based on the CPU.
Take note that the 1st Gen Ryzen has got some serious memory compatibility issues, so it's best to run RAM in dual channel, and get Samsung b-die RAM
So taking your advence I choose the build:
Ryzen 7 1700 (I already have this so I wont change this guy)
MotherBoard: ASUS PRIME B350-PLUS
Do you think they can be compatible?
Why didnt you recommend graphic card your sayign that I shouldnt change it?
curent one Ati Radeon 1GB 742769-001 Video Card)
Also why should I change RAM?

-Hard Disk: WD5000 ASBY -01 TNAO
-Graphic Card: V2449
-CPU: AMD AB-3800
-RAM : MT8JTF51264 AZ 1G6E1 / DDR3
-Power Suplly: ADJ 210-00502
-Case: P6-2258El
-Mother Board: AAHD2-HY

Why are we taking so much time?
Did I gave wrong information or you didnt read all,because I already told you all the build before apart from RAm and CPU.
You need DDR4 3000MHz or 3200MHz RAM running in dual channel, preferably 2 x 8GB.
Get a better power supply from a reputable brand (Seasonic, eVGA, Corsair, CM etc.)
Get a new graphics card (If you only play LoL, RX560/GTX1050 is good enough)
The B350 motherboard is good.
Why gtx 1050 when 1030 is just as good and cheeper?
Same for B350 A320M K cost less and the only advantage I find is overclocking that I wont do.
I just bought my power suplly a mounth ago and it was still new.Do I really need to change it?