Receiving a lot of BSOD's memory related


Jan 20, 2016
I have the following setup:

CPU: Intel Core i3 530
Memory: Kingston HyperX 4 GB DDR 3 1600 @ 1333 Mhz (CPU)
Graphics: Nvidia GTS450 1GB
Power Supply: Halfmman 650W
Motherboard: ASUS P7H55

Lately im having a lot of BSOD, specially when im playing World of Warcraft:


I tried with a new RAM borrowed from a friend Kingston 8GB DDR 1800 Mhz @ 1333 Mhz but it doesnt even boot to windows, it starts giving the following BSOD's:


I even tried to boot to the Windows 10 setup but couldnt do that.

My friend says the RAM works perfect in his setup.

What should i do now? Manually put voltage and clocks on bios?

I just gave my friend his memory RAM. I installed again my Memory Stick but did a few changes, i changed the Memory Voltage to 1.55V manually on the bios and uninstalled the graphics driver and erased the NVIDIA folder in C: and reinstalled the drivers using Windows Tool. I did this yesterday and until now no BSOD appeared, still didn´t played much World of Warcraft, just half hour or something but until now it works fine.. Tomorrow i will play...

I used a software called memtest but runs on windows enviroment and when i used it it gave me several erros and according to the software developer´s website its related with RAM problems.

But my doubt is... my friend used my RAM on his computer and didnt have any problem, no BSOD nothing.. i used his RAM and couldnt even boot to windows.

Should i try putting the RAM, CPU, voltages manually?

I also heard it could be a Driver causing those BSOD's and not the RAM.

Thanks for your help, i will give it a shot.
update the BIOS to the current version or reset it to defaults. This will force the bios to rescan your hardware and load better memory timings.
then rerun the memtest86 and see if you still get failures.
reset of the BIOS will also remove any overclock.

if you still get failures, run the test one stick at a time and see if you can isolate the problem to one memory stick.

best to update the BIOS to get better memory support, but if that does not help:
you may also want to look at the memory QVL to see what memory is recommended. Some chipsets will have limitations in what they will support.
(h55 chipset memory configuration limits)
Test your ram with memtest86+
Boot it from an USB flash drive
Windows can't test the whole ram

Test the ram with this application on your friend's PC, too

Windows 10 just can be installed if all updates were done on the previous windows. Which problem came up while updating win 10?


I just gave my friend his memory RAM. I installed again my Memory Stick but did a few changes, i changed the Memory Voltage to 1.55V manually on the bios and uninstalled the graphics driver and erased the NVIDIA folder in C: and reinstalled the drivers using Windows Tool. I did this yesterday and until now no BSOD appeared, still didn´t played much World of Warcraft, just half hour or something but until now it works fine.. Tomorrow i will play alot more and i will post the results.

Thank you all for your support. I hope this get solved with these tweaks.