Recently added SLI.

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Aaron Chavez

Oct 15, 2014
Hello, so yesterday, I bought another evga 970 ftw for a sli build. Now when I went to test this beast on one of the benchmarks (Firestrike) i only got a score of 3.2k. What gives? I scored a 5.5k with just one before. Plus im not seeing much of a difference in game quality for the $380 bucks i just spent. I may be returning this card, if i don't see much improvement.

Does this look right?
Yes, it does. One more thing, though - click the "Manage 3D Settings" link in the left menu; under Global Settings, scroll down until you find the "SLI performance mode" entry. Change the settings from “Single GPU” to SLI
Go back into the global settings and swap them out for "Alternate frame rendering 2" - this will force SLI across the board. Also, be sure to hit apply (I always seem to forget to do that at least once XD)
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