Question Recently Fixed PC Rebooting on Certain Games

Sep 26, 2022
My pc had been completely unusable for two weeks, so i recently got it fixed around 2 weeks ago. The problem seemed to have been a mobo/cpu problem, so I had the guy replace the Mobo, Cpu, PSU and RAM with second-hand parts (which was also a slight upgrade from my old build). Everything had been running fine since until last wednesday. I was playing fortnite while talking in discord when my pc just powered off and rebooted. There was no "Shutting down" message, my pc switched off as if the power had been pulled. It has been doing so on games such as: Overwatch, Ace Combat 7 and Fortnite ever since then. Overwatch reboots my pc within minutes of opening the game, usually when entering a match. Fortnite reboots in the menu when changing a setting or cosmetic, or when jumping from the battlebus. Ace Combat 7 Reboots from 1-30min of playtime. The windows event viewer says "Kernel Power error 41", However I've seen many people say that this doesn't necessarily mean that it is a PSU related issue. I have already tried a couple things I've seen recommended:
  1. Uninstalling Processor and graphics card drivers via windows device manager and then restarting
  2. Reverting to older graphics card drivers via nvidea's website
  3. Updating to the latest graphics card drivers via nvidea geforce experience/website
  4. Resetting windows while keeping files
  5. Reinstalling the games
None of them worked after trying each of these steps.
I then tried an odd fix of setting my Overwatch to 60hz, and that somehow worked a temporary fix?
At this point I remembered that resetting windows had disabled some settings.
I then proceeded to enable Hardware-Accelerated GPU scaling, High performance power plan and XMP (I didn't have xmp enabled since I got my pc fixed) and went to sleep.
The next morning I started fortnite and it seemed to work without rebooting.
Later on Overwatch also seemed to work on 75hz and all seemed well.

Then the next day (today) fortnite seemed to run fine this morning.
In the afternoon fortnite rebooted my pc again, however this time I noticed it was while i was in a discord call.
I tried again without being in the call and it seemed to work fine!?
I joined the call after having played a match and continued playing without any issues for a while.
Then this evening I tried opening it while in a call and it rebooted my pc.
I tried again while not being in the call and it rebooted again.

At this point I am extremely frustrated as to what I can do to fix this, I hope someone can help me.

PC Specs:
GTX 1060 3GB
450W PSU
1tb HD
120gb ssd
That would be the first place to start it's crappy and was used it only comes with a 3 year warranty for a reason.
Most good power supplies these days come with at least a 7 year warranty and most 10 years.

EDIT. If you can see the serial number the first 2 are the year it was made.
I limited my gpu power to 80% and got fortnite to work for a day, then today I played Kerbal Space Program and it rebooted again. Just tried fortnite as well and that doesn't work anymore either. This is so inconsistent..
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