Recognising working SLI Support


Feb 22, 2017
Hello everyone,

So a couple months back I purchased a second GTX 970 STRIX for my rig as an early 2017 upgrade. Now the card itself is properly fitted and the computer recognises the second card as successfully fitted but I'm not feeling any significant FPS difference. Fiddling with 3D settings in the control panel shows my SLI as enabled and all my software such as CAM recongnise the second card so it is all set up.

An example of my FPS avg shows:

Battlefield 4: 85FPS

Batman Arkham Knight: 50FPS

Dying Light: 90FPS

Apologies for the small selection of games.

My firestrike scores have improved however, with a single 970 the score was in the 9000's but with the SLI (which reads enabled) is at around 14000.

Here are my specs (I am aware of the CPU bottleneck but I have am doubtful it would have such an effect):

i5 3470 3.2GHz - 4GHz Boost
GTX 970 Strix SLI
16GB DDR3 1333MHz
asus pz68-v 1155


You know or you guess the cpu is not bottlenecking?
and If I remember correctly Batman Arkham Knight don't support SLI
970 SLI owner here. What is your monitor resolution? FYI Arkham Knight has a workaround for SLI support. I have not tried it as I deleted that disaster to make room for games that work (got it for for free with my second EVGA 970, so not a loss...I gave up). See this thread for that:

I do not have Dying light, but your BF4 numbers are way off. You should be in excess of 100FPS at 1440p (I'm around 110) and of course much higher if you run a 1080p Gsync monitor. Run MSI afterburner and see if your GPUs are both running at a high % of use. I can't imagine your Ivy Bridge bottlenecking the GPUs.

I'm running at 1920 x 1080 and no you are right, the ivybridge shouldnt bottleneck it to this extreme. All my games are not being run to the potential they should be which is why im confused. Even dying light, I see most PC's running it at around 120FPS, im struggling to get above 90