I'm looking to extend my media server to employ a RAID 5 setup for redundancy of my media collection. I legally own all movies and have invested hundreds of hours into ripping them onto the server and therefore want to invest into ensuring I don't have to do it again.
I looked into consumer options but think it would be better in this case to use a RAID driver with some WD NAS drives to accomplish the same thing.
For reference, here is my existing build: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/aliasxneo/saved/#view=k3J323
I intend on buying 4 of these to establish the RAID 5: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822236344&cm_re=WD_red_3tb-_-22-236-344-_-Product
However, I've never setup a hardware RAID array before and have no experience with picking RAID controllers. I'm looking for something that would operate at the hardware level and just present one logical drive to the linux host.
Can anyone recommend something that could accomplish that and fit in this setup?
I'm looking to extend my media server to employ a RAID 5 setup for redundancy of my media collection. I legally own all movies and have invested hundreds of hours into ripping them onto the server and therefore want to invest into ensuring I don't have to do it again.
I looked into consumer options but think it would be better in this case to use a RAID driver with some WD NAS drives to accomplish the same thing.
For reference, here is my existing build: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/aliasxneo/saved/#view=k3J323
I intend on buying 4 of these to establish the RAID 5: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822236344&cm_re=WD_red_3tb-_-22-236-344-_-Product
However, I've never setup a hardware RAID array before and have no experience with picking RAID controllers. I'm looking for something that would operate at the hardware level and just present one logical drive to the linux host.
Can anyone recommend something that could accomplish that and fit in this setup?