Recommendations & Advice on upgrading my PC


Feb 13, 2014
I've decided to upgrade my Graphics Card because the computer I'm using right now to play games is running on an XFX AMD Radeon HD 7750 1GB GDDR5. For Next Gen games such as BF4, COD: AW, and The Forest, I'm forced into lowing my setting to maintain a stable and playable frame rate. Recently, there's a 47% off for a Sapphire Radeon R9 280 3GB GDDR5 on amazon, but I'm not sure if it fits my compute or not. I'm also not too sure if I should buy a Radeon R9 or other Mid range GPU (Under ~$200). I've 3 GPU that is in my mind right now and they are EVGA GeForce GTX 960 SuperSC, Sapphire Radeon R9 280, and MSI Geforce GTX 960. This is my first time upgrading my GPU and the biggest fear for me is whether or not the new GPU is going to fit. Thank for any kind of help and sorry for my poor English.

Here are the specs of the computer I'm using right now :

Screenshots of my PC : - Display Side Panel - Back Side Panel - Parts
A decent PSU would be you can look at this list to get a idea of what is a good PSU

The 280 would fit no problem, the card will not go past the pcie slot anymore then your 7750. The only measurement you need to worry about is lengh, the card is 10.32"/262mm so measure to make sure it will fit, you might have to move your HDD down.

Disturbed force,

I could upgrade my PUS w/ 2 pcie connectors that will allow me to get a Radeon R9 280. However, do you have any recommendation for cheap/long lifespan PUS w/ 2 pcie connectors? Also, I'm not too sure if the R9 280 is going to fit on my motherboard or not. Have you seen the space between my ram slots and my PCI slot? Here's a picture with 2 red circles, the places I'm afraid the most that whether or not my new Graphic card is going to hit.
A decent PSU would be you can look at this list to get a idea of what is a good PSU

The 280 would fit no problem, the card will not go past the pcie slot anymore then your 7750. The only measurement you need to worry about is lengh, the card is 10.32"/262mm so measure to make sure it will fit, you might have to move your HDD down.

Disturbed force,

Oh, thank you for the recommendation and I'll be getting an XFX TS Series P1550SXXB9 550W. However, from what you said about the length of the R9 280, don't I have to move the motherboard power connectors out of the way too? It's a bit harder for me to move the angle of the motherboard power connectors. Here's a picture of what I'm concerned about: . It's almost summer, I'm also planning to buy a Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO to replace the fan it came with my purchase of the CPU. I don't think it's going to fit and probably be in the way of the Ram slots. Here's the product dimensions for the fan: 6.2 x 9 x 3.5 inches. I'm sorry for asking you so much Disturbed force, this is my first time upgrading and most of these parts aren't cheap. Thank you so much!!

Disturbed force,

Thank you for replying me. If you were me, will you buy the R9 280 right now for $190 dollars? Or wait until cyber Monday or Black Friday. How much cheaper / percent off do you think it will be if I wait until black friday? Thank you so much!