Recommendations For a Gaming PC Below Rs.60,000


Oct 6, 2014
I am looking for help in deciding the Motherboard and Processor I should buy.
Here is my Current Build in mind :
Processor : AMD FX8350 / Intel i5 4670K / Intel i7 4770K
MotherBoard: MSI Z87-G43
Ram : Corsair Vengeance ddr3 8gb
GPU (13.8k = 224$) : Sapphire Radeon R9 270X with Boost OC 2 GB 2 GB DDR Purchased
SSD (4.7k = 76$) : Samsung EVO 120GB SATA3 SSD Purchased
HHD : Seagate Barricuda 1TB HDD
PSU : Corsair VS650 650 Watt PSU

I am looking forward to your opinions on the processor, Mobo, PSU and any tips on keeping the cost under 60k as i have already spent 18.5k which leaves us with Rs 41 - 46 k (666$-747$)

I Forgot to mention, I need a Case/Cabinet Suggestion. Also do suggest if i need external CPU Cooling.
In gaming PC none i5 will give to identical performance in a gaming pc as i7.
i7 is needed while animation , rendering job.
And i7 4790k will cost you 23650/-

PS for a gaming PC the GPU matters the most for example a pc with i5 and r9 280x will out perform a pc with i7 with r9 270x in every way.
GPU : r9 270x (14500/-)

CPU : i5 4430 (12000/--)

Motherboard : gigabyte h81 (3948/-)

RAM : corsair vengence 2x4gb (7550/-)

HDD : WD Blue(4200/-)

PSU : corsair vs 550 (2926/-)

Total : 45124/-

The thing is, i have already purchased the GPU and SSD(for OS).
I need the HDD, RAM, MOBO, Processor, PSU and cabinet to come under that range.
This is more of a Constraint problem. so, help!
In gaming PC none i5 will give to identical performance in a gaming pc as i7.
i7 is needed while animation , rendering job.
And i7 4790k will cost you 23650/-

PS for a gaming PC the GPU matters the most for example a pc with i5 and r9 280x will out perform a pc with i7 with r9 270x in every way.