Recommended Drivers for my build?


Jun 24, 2014
So I just finished installing all of my hardware for my first build! Hoorah!!! Upon my first boot, which I didn't put the side panel on luckily, because I got one long beep and four short beeps, and a fan error. Luckily there was just a little wire in the way I somehow missed and I got straight into the BIOS on boot #2! Hoorah again! So far so good :)

So In my BIOS, since I don't know much, all I did was set my boot order to: Optical Drive > SSD

I then went ahead and installed windows 7 x64 with no road bumps, and got straight into it. Upon my first login, I plugged in my Flash Drive which had some drivers on it I downloaded, into my 3.0 slot on the back and this worked fine, I installed drivers for my mobo's chipset, LAN, and audio. I couldn't find a USB driver on ASUS website, i'm not sure if this isn't a recommended driver anymore or if the mobo does't need one. Then went ahead and installed what i believe to be the most up to date driver for my gpu to fix my screen resolution. Boom! Still so far so good :)

So my next step is to install my anti virus and then get hooked up online, and run some performance tests after that. BUT!

Is there any more recommended drivers I should get for my build before I continue?

My Build:

MOBO: Asus Z97-AR 1150 Intel, SATA 6GB, USB 3.0
CPU: Intel i5-4670k quad-core 3.4Ghz LGA 1150
GPU: Gigabyte GTX-770
RAM: XMS3 8GB DDR3 1600

I've gotten some great insight from this forum so I really appreciate it guys! It's been a fun experience!
You should always install the drivers that came in the box with the equipment you purchase.... these CDs / DVDs oft contain licensing codes for some of the utilities which are not included in downloaded versions. I find it useful to create a list (I use a spreadsheet) of what drivers I installed w/ version number and date.

Then after running Windows Update 10 times or so till it says no more.... install the latest drivers from the site.

Also keep your eye out for a fix to the BIOS Clock Freeze Bug which affects all Asus Z87 / Z97 boards. Common triggers for the issue appear to be saving or loading BIOS profiles, backing up OC profiles to USB and crashes during stress testing when overclocking.