Recommended System Upgrade from FX-6100


Jul 25, 2016
I'm running a dreadful AMD FX-6100 on a M5A78L-M/USB3 Motherboard.
My GPU is a GTX 760.

Short story - I was waiting on pascal cards to do a proper system upgrade and will likely go for a 1060/1070 as soon as they are back in stock at the right price.

I am aware I will need to upgrade my system so the question is, do I save cash by popping an FX8320/8350 in my existing hardware for ~£120

Or... Do I upgrade my motherboard and cpu and I guess memory to Intel i5 +ddr4 etc for ~£350.

Any opinions gratefully appreciated!

If you want to stay on AMD, wait for Zen. If you want to upgrade now, 6500 (with a B150 MB) if you don't want to overclock, 6600k (With a Z170) if you want and 6700k if you want to burn money (z170 too)