Recommended system upgrade?


May 11, 2015
Hi everyone. I recently received a rather large bonus at work and I'm looking to treat myself (well, more than I already have). My gaming machine runs fine, but can anyone see any cost effective upgrades or am I being stupid? If there's anything anyone would recommend, I'd be willing to spend up to the $400 range. Specs:

Motherboard: MSI PC Mate Z97
CPU: i5 4590 (3.3 GHz)
RAM: 16 GB Crucial Ballistix, 1600 MHz
GPU: GTX 1080 (not the Ti, just the base 1080 - just upgraded from a 970)
Storage: 250 GB Samsung EVO 850 SSD (plus several HDs for more storage, but the OS and games I currently play are on the SSD)

When I initially built this system it was to replace my old i7 920 system that I had OC'd to 4.0 GHz, that was fried when my PSU blew. I didn't have a lot of money at the time, and so I got the best processor I could for the money. I didn't spend the extra $20 to $30 to get the i5 4590K so I could OC it, and now I regret it. So I've been kicking around the idea of getting an i7 4790K and a decent cooler, but that's around $400 and I've more or less convinced myself that it would probably be a waste of money at this point.

I know that you can always spend more money on a gaming machine, but I'm at the point where I suspect that any more money I spend on this system will give only a modest performance improvement and not be worth it. Any thoughts?

Thanks for your help!

I agree. If you had a better overclocking board I would say maybe, but I don't think it's the best use of your dollars right now. Overclocking is nice if you're an enthusiast, but by no means necessary in 2017. You could sell your CPU / mobo / ram and get a new i7 with some DDR 4?

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-7700 3.6GHz Quad-Core Processor ($287.49 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: ASRock B250M Pro4 Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($77.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2666 Memory ($99.97 @ Jet)
Total: $465.44
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-03-24 06:06 EDT-0400
the cpu is still good for like 2 years.
with a gtx 1080, u r set with a gpu too.

the sensible upgrade i can see is better peripherals like a bigger gaming monitor and gaming headsets/mouse with surround speakers. or upgrading to a triple monitor setup to make ur rig look absolutely swag ?

tell us ur peripherals if u r interested in upgrading them...


May 11, 2015
Thanks everyone. I think I may wait a bit and see. I'm just not sure I'd get much of a frame rate increase from spending $400 to $500 on a new MB, CPU and RAM. Plus then I'd have to buy a new copy of Win 10 which is another $100. Does DDR4 really make that much of a real world difference?

As for monitors and peripherals, I think I'm good. I have 2 24" 1080p monitors, but I sit fairly close to them (28 to 30" away - I just measured) so I don't really need bigger. I live alone and play primarily single player games so I don't really need headphone and I like my speakers fine. And my keyboard and mouse work fine for me. I guess I could use a new mouse pad, so hey, there's $10. :p

Thanks for the suggestions!