Record video with no hdd use


Oct 2, 2012
is there some software i can use to record video (like fraps or bandicam) that dont use my hdd?
the idea is to improve performance and dont use much hdd space
it could only store the video in the RAM, just a few last seconds and i could decide when to save the last seconds, when something very interesting happens in a multiplayer match for example
its just like Onlive or the PS4 video "share" button works
i think its called a circular buffer if im not wrong

thanks for the help
i find out how to do it
for those who still dont know:

you can use the " loop buffer " in fraps to record only the last seconds of video
instead of recording many big files of videos it stores only the last seconds, in the ammount you can choose, 30 seconds by default, the video below explains better

you can also set a ram drive to save your HDD from destroing itself with continuous recording, while recording in 720p fraps was writing 17Mb per second, in 4 hours of gameplay it will be 244GB, in a short time this write and rewrite would destroy my HDD, the RAM in the other hand is built for this kind of constant writing
i build a small 700MB RAM drive with a tiny software called " softperk ram disk " big enough for this use without compromising my PC performance

finishing i installed another tiny software called keyboardlink, and i use it to activate a file i created with the name " move.bat " this file is a renamed .txt file with the command lines:
cd fraps
move *.* c:\name_of_the_destination_folder

K: is the name of my RAM drive
fraps is the name of the folder inside the ram drive k:\fraps in wich the recorded video is set in fraps to be stored
c:\name_of_the_destination_folder is the folder i want to have my files permanentely stored in my HDD

now when i turn on the PC the ram drive starts, fraps starts,and also keyboardlink

i start a game and hold F9 to start recording video in the loop buffer inside my ram drive, when something nice happens i press F9 to stop the recording and then press ctrl+F8 to activate the move.bat command and my last 30 seconds of video are stored in the HDD
then i can hold F9 and start another loop buffered video in the ram drive
all without leaving game window in fullscreen

this works perfectly like the to be released Playstation 4 video sharing and Onlive video sharing saving last seconds of video without damage to my hard disk and very very little performance loss