Recording software for low end pc/laptop.

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Jun 26, 2017
Hi, i am looking for an easy to use and free recording software.
What am i looking to record:-Tf2(that is all)
What software i have tried:-obs
-bandicam(i don't like the watermark)
-fraps(i don't like the watermark)
-some other software that i don't remember the name of
What are my specs: i3-2348m 2.3 ghz
8gb of ram
What is the fps i get when reording with obs(it's the only rec software i have monitored my fps while recording) is under 30 fps

To be noted that with fraps i get 60 fps is there a way i can remove the watermark( i do not want to buy the full version)... maybe when i edit the video.
I've used msi afterburner for the longest time. Minimal/no fps drop and good quality. No watermark and no limits. But I also use handbrake to lower the size before I upload. I used fraps when it was one of the only few available but it's terribly inefficient and has been obsolete for nearly a decade. I don't get how it's even still relevant or used. I never liked obs but it shouldn't be worse than fraps unless using the wrong settings.
I've used msi afterburner for the longest time. Minimal/no fps drop and good quality. No watermark and no limits. But I also use handbrake to lower the size before I upload. I used fraps when it was one of the only few available but it's terribly inefficient and has been obsolete for nearly a decade. I don't get how it's even still relevant or used. I never liked obs but it shouldn't be worse than fraps unless using the wrong settings.

can i use msi afterburner even if i don't have an msi mobo or an msi laptop(idk if they make laptops)
I am installing it right now and i am going to test it out tomorrow because it's kinda late where i live
Also i play at 800x600 streched to a 16:9 res but from what i've seen programs like fraps don't record the streched part(so the black bars will be visible even tho i can't see them while recording). does the program have a "stretch tool" or will i be able to strech it in a editing software?
btw as editing software is filmora ok?
You can use it with any pc. I haven't tried to record stretched but I have windowed and lower res. It shouldn't have black bars because it doesn't record the screen, it records whatever res the app is at. I don't know about filmora but any video can be stretched in editing software.

i managed to record a few clips.
My fps was very unstable and the game was barely playable and after the recording had a poor video quality. this combined with the fact that i run tf2 on comaglia's toaster config made the video unwatchable.

video capture hotkey : F11
video prerecord manual and i did not bind it to anything(bc i don't know hat it does)
video capture format: mjpg compression
quality; 85% (it lags even more if i set it to 100%)
framezise 16:9 720p ( that's how i strech it)
framerate 30fps
framerate limit: disabled
multithreaded optimisation: disabled
crop video dimensions to multiples of 16: disabled
gamma correction: disabled
enable mjpg encoder: disabled
use dedicated encoder settings: disabled
audio source #1: speakers
adudio source #2 none (since i don't want to record my voice)


if i have 2 cores and 4 threads, should i choose 4 threaded optimization on or 2 threaded optimization on?

sorry for not responding in time i waas a bit busy lately.
the perogram runs great and all of my issues are solved except 1 thing: i still have a watermark on my screen(the one that shows your fps, the fact that you are recording and the size of the file)
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