Recover data files from old hard drive using enclosure


Jun 30, 2014
I am trying to salvage files from my old hard drive (Seagate Barracuda 7200.7 200 gb) . The computer was a HP Pavillion, hard drive was running Windows XP 32bit. I had a start up file corruption and was unable to get the computer working again. I do NOT think there was a hard drive failure.

Bought a new computer. HP Envy 700-214, Windows 8.1 64 bit.

I installed the old Seagate drive into a USB HDD enclosure. I see the drive showinmg up as HP_Recovery:F and Local Disk:G.
I can access Recover:F but G which WAS my old C is not accessible. If fact it locks my computer up every time I try to access. I am unable to even seen properties.

Is the problem a master/slave jumper issue?

I thought I had all date backed up on an external but I did not. Really need these files.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you, RCoburn

If you can access the other partition of the drive, then I think it's not a jumper issue. It's probably a corrupt file system or some bad sectors on the drive that prevents you from accessing the other partition.

I checked the pins and none were jumpered. Sorry for my ignorance. I only know enough about computers to be dangerous. :) From the diagram in the text from the link you posted, it showed slave setting to be no jumpers. Is that correct for using in a HDD external enclosure?
Odd that it is seeing the Recover Disk but not the main....

Thank you, RCoburn

If you can access the other partition of the drive, then I think it's not a jumper issue. It's probably a corrupt file system or some bad sectors on the drive that prevents you from accessing the other partition.

Is there any program to access and maybe repair? I would really like to retrieve some of the data.


In the enclosure, my old C drive was inaccessible. I downloaded Seatools for Windows and did a scan for disk drives on my computer. Somehow after this, the drive was accessible but I could not pull files off. I had already downloaded Stellar Phoenix and I'm currently able to pull data off the disk with that program.

A huge sincerely thanks to all for your help!