Recover Files from a Dead External HDD


Jul 27, 2013
I've got an issue at hand here.
I backed up all of my data(Some of which was Pretty Important to me) onto my new Seagate 2TB 2.5" external drive.
( New- bought it a couple of months ago)

All was going well until the drive crashed a few hours after I transferred ALL of my data. Now all my data is on a drive that starts a clicking sound every time I connect it to any device.

Only thing that happens is that it still shows up as a removable drive on Windows , nothing on Ubuntu (Only the name is shown, doesn't show it as a storage device)

I did try recovering with various recovery softwares (Even Seagates own $299 Recovery something software, Trial of course), but none of them were able to even detect it as a storage device .

Now, what can I do with it ? How can I recover my files
( I specifically need 1 very Important file from approximately 1.6 TB of data stored on it)
I recommend a data recovery place immediately; I doubt many nice folks have clean rooms at home or even at the office.
Going forward, please begin and continue a routine, current, backup process onto external media of your OS and data partitions.

Have you tried contacting Seagate to see how good or not their warantee is

Some external hard drives have the USB to sata bridge chips integrated onto the hard disk controller board which makes things much more difficult to fix if USB to sata chips fail

Is your 2GB USB drive based on 2.5" or 3.5" technology?
some usb 2.0 ports dont provide enough power to drive some big 2.5" USB hard disks

3.5" drives need a PSU which is working and the correct one for the drive.
wrong voltage or polarity can blow the USB circuitry and if un lucky the hard disk controller board

Mike Barnes

I've updated my question.
It is a 2.5" inch Seagate Slim Backup drive.
Seagates website seems to only give an option for an exchange (For a new drive, but I need to get some data back too).
I can try to look up a local service center , but it would be a pretty slim chance they'll know anything.
I did try recovering from my Internal HDD using Recuva(Internal HDD, where all the data was originally-- but that 1 file I need was corrupted, rest were recovered in an allright state)
I recommend a data recovery place immediately; I doubt many nice folks have clean rooms at home or even at the office.
Going forward, please begin and continue a routine, current, backup process onto external media of your OS and data partitions.