So im working on repairing my Dads HDD he had 61 viruses and i have used avast! and it removed them all. but Windows still does nto start when i put his HDD back in his PC i tried to formatt but it gives me a blue screen. so i went into revocery console (pressing r after you put in XP) and it askes me what windows i want to access so i press 1 and im in but it leaves me with
how can i get it to reinstall XPs files without formatting it cause everytime i try to start the pc it says
C:Windows\system32\Config\SYSTEM cannot be found. all i want is to repair the drive.
So what do i need to type in the recovery console to solve this?
i cant access safe mode or anything its pretty messed up but if i got XP installed properly i know it will work thanks!
how can i get it to reinstall XPs files without formatting it cause everytime i try to start the pc it says
C:Windows\system32\Config\SYSTEM cannot be found. all i want is to repair the drive.
So what do i need to type in the recovery console to solve this?
i cant access safe mode or anything its pretty messed up but if i got XP installed properly i know it will work thanks!