Failure of Two 1GB HDD drives, Mirrored-RAID1, using Win7x32 Disk Management, 1GB on OC’d system were removed from system after Boot drive failed, and reinstalled on the same system, after new SSD and Win10x64 was installed. Win10x64 Disk Management has marked the drives as dynamic, online, and failed after Import Foreign Disks command.
Minimum Goal for Success:
Reattach One of the two drives to have access to the Data files in both partitions that existed on the Mirrors.
Initial System Configuration when the drives were mirrored in 2011:
Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, Q9400, OC’d to 3.2G with FSB=400Mhz and some voltages modified. C: drive were two 36GB Raptors in Raid0 using ACH10 Intel Raid controller. Mirrored two 1GB Hitachi drives with Windows Disk Management into two partitions using Windows 7x32. All drives SATA interface.
Current Configuration with the drives not accessible:
Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, Q9400, Default BIOS, No OC'ing. C: drive changed to SSD Samsung 850 Pro 240MB and loaded new Win10x64. All drives installed on same SATA interface as before.
Possible Actions that contributed to the Issue:
The Initial system failed and would not restart into BIOS. Following checklist, system was restored with a reset of the CMOS, battery was also replaced. I then worked on the OC’ing to bring the CPU speed up when the system failed again. This time the RAID0 ACH10 C: drives were not recoverable. I found several posts on restoring the Raid0 and ACH10 which required use of “TestDisk”. I was not successful. The software mirrored via Windows Disk Management RAID1 drives were removed from the system without following the disconnect procedure, as the system was failed. I decided having an SSD and Winx64 would be better as it would (1) Increase C: from 72G to 240G (2) Faster – Wow – its fast (3) x64 will allow me to grow memory from 4 to 8GB, (4) I have backups on the mirror drive to recover all desktop and C: files. Of course, the mirrored drives have not attached seamlessly which is the focus of the problem.
The drives were attached via original SATA cables. Win10x64 recognized both the Drives as Foreign. “Import Foreign” was executed. Drives are shown as “Dynamic” “Online” and partitions are marked “Failed”. Rescan and other commands do not seem to work. The drives are shown with red bar indicating Mirrored. Unusually, the drives do not show the same partitions. Drive 0 has two partition, Drive 1 has three partitions. The shown size of Drv0Prt0 = Drv1Prt0 + Drv1Prt1. Drv0Prt2 = Drv1Prtr3 in size.
“TestDisk” was used to view the drives. I have found all the data, but sometimes I have to use the deepscan to find it. I am careful NOT to execute any write functions as I am not clear what the heck I would be doing. TestDisk seems to show the same partition count matching what Windows Disk Management is showing.
I even found two posts on using HEXEDIT to change a single byte on the file data so it would change from dynamic to basic and I could attach a single drive.
I don’t want to risk the data yet but I can execute this with ease. My skill set is degreed computer engineer but not in the PC field – Video and Telecom. Thanks!
Suggestions Received:
(1) Format one of the failed drives so the Recuva can see the drive, and recover the data – This would be destructive in order to be productive – (STBe – I have not done this action yet – RECUVA does not see either of the two drives that were RAID1.)
(2) Copy one of the failed drives to another drive, and test on the other drive using TESTDISK or other program. (STBe – DO I need to worry about bad sectors on the destination drive leading to an imperfect copy? – Are there other concerns that I do not know about – What program would be best for this?)
(3) Post from Tom’s Hardware – Use Minitool Power Data Recovery – (This SW will see one of the two drives and shows the same file list shown in TESTDISK. IT will deepscan and see the files from the second partition, but without the names. I am still considering this as an option)
I am still hoping for further expertise in this matter before do it yourself time. Thanks!
Failure of Two 1GB HDD drives, Mirrored-RAID1, using Win7x32 Disk Management, 1GB on OC’d system were removed from system after Boot drive failed, and reinstalled on the same system, after new SSD and Win10x64 was installed. Win10x64 Disk Management has marked the drives as dynamic, online, and failed after Import Foreign Disks command.
Minimum Goal for Success:
Reattach One of the two drives to have access to the Data files in both partitions that existed on the Mirrors.
Initial System Configuration when the drives were mirrored in 2011:
Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, Q9400, OC’d to 3.2G with FSB=400Mhz and some voltages modified. C: drive were two 36GB Raptors in Raid0 using ACH10 Intel Raid controller. Mirrored two 1GB Hitachi drives with Windows Disk Management into two partitions using Windows 7x32. All drives SATA interface.
Current Configuration with the drives not accessible:
Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, Q9400, Default BIOS, No OC'ing. C: drive changed to SSD Samsung 850 Pro 240MB and loaded new Win10x64. All drives installed on same SATA interface as before.
Possible Actions that contributed to the Issue:
The Initial system failed and would not restart into BIOS. Following checklist, system was restored with a reset of the CMOS, battery was also replaced. I then worked on the OC’ing to bring the CPU speed up when the system failed again. This time the RAID0 ACH10 C: drives were not recoverable. I found several posts on restoring the Raid0 and ACH10 which required use of “TestDisk”. I was not successful. The software mirrored via Windows Disk Management RAID1 drives were removed from the system without following the disconnect procedure, as the system was failed. I decided having an SSD and Winx64 would be better as it would (1) Increase C: from 72G to 240G (2) Faster – Wow – its fast (3) x64 will allow me to grow memory from 4 to 8GB, (4) I have backups on the mirror drive to recover all desktop and C: files. Of course, the mirrored drives have not attached seamlessly which is the focus of the problem.
The drives were attached via original SATA cables. Win10x64 recognized both the Drives as Foreign. “Import Foreign” was executed. Drives are shown as “Dynamic” “Online” and partitions are marked “Failed”. Rescan and other commands do not seem to work. The drives are shown with red bar indicating Mirrored. Unusually, the drives do not show the same partitions. Drive 0 has two partition, Drive 1 has three partitions. The shown size of Drv0Prt0 = Drv1Prt0 + Drv1Prt1. Drv0Prt2 = Drv1Prtr3 in size.
“TestDisk” was used to view the drives. I have found all the data, but sometimes I have to use the deepscan to find it. I am careful NOT to execute any write functions as I am not clear what the heck I would be doing. TestDisk seems to show the same partition count matching what Windows Disk Management is showing.
I even found two posts on using HEXEDIT to change a single byte on the file data so it would change from dynamic to basic and I could attach a single drive.
I don’t want to risk the data yet but I can execute this with ease. My skill set is degreed computer engineer but not in the PC field – Video and Telecom. Thanks!
Suggestions Received:
(1) Format one of the failed drives so the Recuva can see the drive, and recover the data – This would be destructive in order to be productive – (STBe – I have not done this action yet – RECUVA does not see either of the two drives that were RAID1.)
(2) Copy one of the failed drives to another drive, and test on the other drive using TESTDISK or other program. (STBe – DO I need to worry about bad sectors on the destination drive leading to an imperfect copy? – Are there other concerns that I do not know about – What program would be best for this?)
(3) Post from Tom’s Hardware – Use Minitool Power Data Recovery – (This SW will see one of the two drives and shows the same file list shown in TESTDISK. IT will deepscan and see the files from the second partition, but without the names. I am still considering this as an option)
I am still hoping for further expertise in this matter before do it yourself time. Thanks!