Red Dead Redemption 2 Companion App Suggests PC Version Exists

Well duh. The Xbox is basically a Windows 10 PC on static hardware so porting it should be easier than ever. Rockstar still has not learned their lesson about neglecting PC gamers so until they pull their head out, they will keep getting the bad press and banishment from the PC gaming community.
@KD_GAMING- Do your research before you post-
Xbox One runs two operating systems within a hypervisor; games run within one separate operating system, while apps and the user interface run within a stripped-down version of Microsoft Windows; the original system software was based on Windows 8, but it has since been changed to Windows 10.[126][127] This architecture allows resources to be allocated specifically to different aspects of the console's functions, including multitasking and Kinect processing, ensuring an "absolute guarantee of performance" for games.[128][129] Xbox One supports Universal Windows Platform apps, which can be designed to run across Xbox One, Windows 10, and Windows 10 Mobile in synchronization with the Windows platform.[126][130][131]

Took me less then 5 minutes to look this up.
Everything comes to PC eventually, albeit via emulation. You can technically play the original Red Dead Redemption right now with the PS3 emulator:
That said, I obviously very much hope it comes to us as a proper PC optimised port (like GTA V) rather than in 5+ years via a dodgy PS4/XBox One emulator.

eh, i've got a load of hours into GTAV Online & so i obviously enjoy it ...but i have to disagree that it's PC-optimization/porting was handled well. it's extremely demanding on all your hardware unless you relax the settings, still zero wheel/joystick support, & keybinding is a nightmare (can't double-bind the same key for different functions, can't leave a function unbound entirely). thx for the RDR emulation info - might give that a go :)

i do hope they bring RDR2 to PC, with a bit more effort this time (so i can drive my horse with a racing wheel! lol, kidding). after GTAV's success i can't see any reason we won't get a port eventually.