red light on when 24 pin connected / pc not powering on


Mar 9, 2016
My build was working with a 500 watt power supply but i put in a used silent 610 12v eps psu in there and it was not working. I got it used from a working build. Using a gigabyte h110 d3a mobo. I've singled the red light being on to the 24 pin connector. Have no idea what this means.
1. Is the system even turning on? Fans moving ETC. The power button may be hooked up to the MOB wrong.
2. check the cpu for any bent pins or things on the socket. be sure the cpu heatsink is properly seated also make sure the heatsink fan is connected to cpu_fan slot.
3. Go through and recheck all connections from supply to board and card.

4+4. < CPU power

6+2 < Graphics power

4. I meant put 1st slot RAM stick into 3rd slot, and 3rd slot RAM stick into 1st slot!

What are your PC Specs? There is a chance your RAM may not be compatible with the motherboard.

5. Take a look at this article and follow the instructions, let me know.

Thanks for answering. Sorry if I mislead you but I meant to say my build was working fine before this power supply. The issue stems from the power supply alone. I'm trying to figure out the cause of the red light with the 24 pin connected to understand if it's a dud or no

No. Turns out the pin for the start up was hanging off instead of straight in. That's why the red light was on, because the led was powered but the switch wasn't.