RED NAS Drives good for hosting things from my house?


Jul 5, 2013
I was thinking about getting 3-4 of these RED NAS drives and using them to setup a raid of storage and possibly run a few gameservers off of it. Would these drives perform terribly or would it suffice for running gameservers like counterstrike and such.
I'm not sure, but I don't think gameservers are particularly IO heavy. They shouldn't be affected much by the drives, other than startup times.

Hosting files depends on what you're hosting, and how much demand you expect.
they'll be fine. Gameservers are more dependant on RAM and CPU than HD space. Normally the games are rather small, few hundred meg to a gig or so for a server tops. You'd only need like 1 drive to host hundreds of servers, providing you could provide the bandwidth, cpu and ram space. You also have to worry about configuring them, them being hacked, not eating up your internet bandwidth, etc. you can rent a counterstrike server for about 40 cents a slot a month, cheaper if you pay yearly so for the cost of 1 drive you could probably rent on for 1-2 years. After that, you'll probably be bored with running servers after a few weeks. lol. hackers, cheaters, people bitching, racist crap that people talk, etc, etc. It's tiring trying to admin it.
What device are putting the drives in? Your processor will be more important than the drives really.

RED are for file storage, not so much server hosting.

You want BLACK for server hosting. They offer better performance.

You would probably want a dedicated server for hosting games, rather than a NAS.

Well I was planning on building a Xeon Intel E3-1230V2 server and just using those drives to take advantage of it's ability to RAID well.

I rarely play and just host servers which kids pay me $15 a month to admin lol. Times that by 10 and these kids are paying for my internet. I find it fun to play on my own servers sometimes and I'm going to use the server mainly for storing backups and project files for music productions. That's why I want a raid setup. The fileserver will be for me and my roomate to have access to all our music files and the gameservers were just sort of a side thing. I was just curious if they are able to do well.

I would go with the BLACK drives over the RED.

Hard drives in a server environment often die or start to produce smart errors. You may want to consider whichever drives have the best warranty coverage, because you will end up replacing a few of them in 3 years.

As long as the drives are enterprise class, they should be able to RAID just as well as any drive. It will depend more on the RAID controller.

In my honest opinion, I wouldn't build your own server. I would buy something brand-name, like a Dell or HP. They have excellent monitoring software and very good warranty. All the disks and parts can have next day warranty.

While the warranty may be good I guess those are kind of overpriced when you can get the same exact parts on amazon.