Red stripes instead of black color in PC monitor


Feb 11, 2016
So i had this problem, and long story short, i had to replace a capacitor in the monitor (same capacity ofcourse). After doing that, instead of black color, i see small, red stripes. I resoldered the capacitor, and still the same problem. I pluged the monitor to a laptop, and get the same result, so its not my gpu's fault. Also re-done the ends of ribbon wire(s), and still the same result. Any idea what could be wrong?
You may have accidently damaged some of the other internals of the monitor when you opened it up. I had a similar problem with my TV and when I replaced a capacitor the red stripes appeared. I resulted in sending the TV back to the dealer and they told me that I had caught my jumper on another component which broke that component so my TV couldn't cope with displaying what it needed to.

I suggest that you get a professionals opinion on the matter as there's not a lot you will be able to do unless you know everything there is to know about your specific model of monitor.
You may have accidently damaged some of the other internals of the monitor when you opened it up. I had a similar problem with my TV and when I replaced a capacitor the red stripes appeared. I resulted in sending the TV back to the dealer and they told me that I had caught my jumper on another component which broke that component so my TV couldn't cope with displaying what it needed to.

I suggest that you get a professionals opinion on the matter as there's not a lot you will be able to do unless you know everything there is to know about your specific model of monitor.