Question Red vs Blue - CS GO

Feb 19, 2019
OK so this is my current set up

Intel g4560
8gb ram
Asus Rock h110-g/m2
Geforce 1060 6gb

I have a little money to spend to upgrade my system, but, do I just upgrade my cpu to an i5 or i7, or change the mobo and cpu and go with a ryzen 5 (Either 1600 or 2600)

I only really play Cs go and older games, but just want the best for my money and performance wise incase I go into new games etc. Thanks in advance
If you change the motherbord and the cpu for a ryzen one. You spend around 350 which is probably more then enough for a i5 processor or i7 unless you buy a motherboard for those types.
  1. If you are willing to look for second-handed processors, look for I5/I7 6xxx or 7xxx on ebay. Do not try to find new processors for tha generation, they do not worth that much money anymore.
  2. if you want to spend a wee bit more a Ryzen 1600 or 2600 (with or without X) and a decent B450 mainboard would do well.
yes because the i5 draws more power, you either need a stock i5 cooler or an aftermarkt. a new aftermarkt cooler is not that much expensive like 20-25 dollars...

try to look for a 2nd hand i5 6500 - 7500
The i5 7500 are not that much more than the 6500. So shall I spend a bit more and go for the 7500 then?