Redgear Hell Scream vs. Kotion Each G2000


Apr 26, 2014
I am looking for gaming headphone with mic for this price range (~1000 INR).
I was initially going for the Kotion for it's high quality driver and minimal looks, but heard it has some mic issues, so I started searching a bit more and came accross this red gear hell scream.
But this only confuses me more as this specific headset does not really have a good reliable review on the internet, it's just random people who like it for "reasons" like it has vibration (any first time user of headphone vibration would instantly like it) or for it's rgb (which I hate personally, and that stupid design on it's side too).

Please help me decide on one, my primary concern is audio quality for gaming and at least the mic works, for the looks I can compromise but I like minimal design, and blue red black are the colors I like.

Thanks for your time.
Ok, so I dug up a little more about these brands, so if anyone who cares reads this, here goes.
The red gear company is nothing more than a rebrand, it simply buy stuff from a manufacturer and then puts it's brand tag on it and sells it as their own, but the main point here is that red gear rebranda none other than Kotion each headphones only. (LOL)
The hell scream from red gear is a rebranded Kotion each G1000.
And G1000 is slightly upgraded version of G2000.
It has rgb led and some stupid Tron design.
In terms of quality, only the mic is now adjustable in any direction, and not just x-y plane, also the mic recording quality is a bit better than before, audio quality and build quality remains the same.
It also has vibration for extra bass feature.