Reference Model GTX 970 Overclocking


Mar 1, 2016
I've Never done much in overclocking gpus and i was wondering if anyone else had a reference model GTX 970 they have overclocked well. Hopefully i can just copy their inputs.

I am just using it on test bench, and yeah i think it may be a bad chip, since i already started RMA process.

You RMA'd because it wouldn't overclock well? That's not grounds for RMA...

Not only couse of that, even do operating temparature is just way tooo high for that card, on load almost getting 93 °C, didnt want to reattach the thermal paste, so thats why i started RMA process.

Wow that's warm, fair enough.

Yeah, but the weardest part is that i havent got any BSODs even do card doesnt throttle....