Refund for 970


Jul 20, 2009
Hello everyone, so I bought my 970 just a few days before the whole fiasco about the false advertising. A few days ago people were starting to get partial refunds of about 20-30% on amazon and newegg. However, I bought mine from tiger direct because they had the cheaper price/shipping. Went to their live chat support and they told me I can get a full refund and a return shipping label or a $20 gift card which sounds pathetic. The problem is that I don't know if I should really just send it back and get a 960 or just wait to see what amd has to offer with their 3xx series, although I dont expect them to be cheap and I am in quite a budget. The reason why I don't want a 290 or 290x is because my 650w psu wont work with it. By the way, the 970 that i currently own has not failed me at any game as of now (gaming at 1080p). I was just hoping to get at least a 15% partial refund and I would be happy lol.

Just sit with your 970 and be happy, it's a great card. This whole 3.5GB thing has been blown out of proportion badly, chances are you will never be affected by it, especially since you are playing @ 1080p.
Have you run into the memory problem? It effects so few people yet everyone seems to be expecting refunds. The benchmarks that sold you the product in the first place haven't changed. And if you weren't happy with the performance when you bought it you would have returned it by now.

But I digress. I guess if I were you I would look at it in the following ways.
1. Return it and get a GTX 960. You'll get less performance then the gtx 970 even with the gimped memory. The end result is actually worse

2. You could wait for AMD next gen. Realistically dollar for dollar performance isn't likely to be significantly better then the GTX 970. Sure you'll get a "full" 4GB of RAM but if your not running into the memory problems now then a "full 4GB" of ram isn't going to do anything. So unless you plan on getting a 4k monitor or triple monitor setup I would just stick with it.
Don't take this the wrong way... but it sounds like you're being greedy here. The card is 3.5Gb instead of 4. I honestly think that had this card originally been marketed as a 3.5GB card... it would not have made any difference at all.

Nvidia said they would create a new driver just for this card to boost up performance a bit.. so you should not only keep this card... but considering buying a second one to SLI since other people might ditch theirs and you could possibly get a very, very good price for it.