Refurbished Desktop at NewEgg


Aug 27, 2016
Hello I have no idea what I'm doing. I need a new computer, but I'm unsure what makes a good gaming computer. I saw this desktop at Newegg and was wondering if it was any good. Please leave any feedback you can give me as well as any suggestions as to a desktop or laptop under $500 that is available. I have no clue how to build so it's best if I purchased prebuilt.

Thanks for reading.

PS- Okay, I have no idea how to reply to anyone, but thanks for the suggestions. Do you guys know if there is a way to know how cool it will be playing games? I don't know where to look for that information. Thanks again
A good gaming computer is a relative term, however, you want something that you won't be replacing within a few years other than the video card. In that price range you'd be looking at an AMD processor if you also need an OS which i'd avoid for future proofing. If you go about $100 higher you could get a pretty decent refurbed with a keeper CPU like the link below, although at that price range. don't expect an SSD or a reliable PSU.-