Regular FPS drops in any game I play


Feb 2, 2017
Hello people,

for a longer time, every game I play starts to stutter and drop its FPS very regular, like in a 10-20 second pace. I am really frustrated, because I came to no solution after looking for days.

I do play quiete often: Team Fortress 2, Counte strike, Tom Clancy´s Rainbow Six Siege and many indie games.

Only so far, I´ve experienced no lag in Crypt of the Necrodancer.

My build is:

AMD FX4300 (quad core)
GTX 750
420W Power Supply
ASRock 960GM-VGS3 FX
Windows 7

Now to the list of solutions I´ve tried and didn´t work at all:

- Core unparking
- Reinstalling literally every driver I had
- Defragmanting the HDD
- Dust off the inside and try to cool the CPU as much as possible
- Uninstall my Anti-Virus
- Fixing the internet connection

And things I´ve found out so far:

- The CPU is not overheating. It´s usual temperature is 50-60C°
- My Build is not bad
- My CPUs park anyway, even after unparking

- In Valve games, when the "var" rises up to a value of 20, then my FPS drop to 15-20 FPS and cause a massive stutter. It holds for about 10 seconds and stops, but starts again after a short time.

I really need help to fix this. I have absolutly no clue and idea, why it happens.

Thanks in advance.

I have 8gb RAM and the computer would only overheat and crashwhen overclocking. I didn´t check the GPU Temperature yet, but the CPU cores all ahve around 49C° - 68 C° while playing. They get along really fine.

I´ve wiped my HDD recently too and it made the gameplay a lot smoother, but the lag spikes still occur.
Haha, I'm pretty sure a GTX 750 and FX 4300 won't get the best FPS in a newer title such as Rainbow Six, or even Counter Strike for that matter. Also, you mentioned your CPU cores parked. Download a 3rd party core un-parker. If that doesn't work, I would recommend getting a new CPU and GPU.

Before this problem occured, it had 250FPS in CSGO. I don´t know what is so funny about it, it runs perfectly, until lag spikes come up. It even reached 300FPS, when lowering graphics.

And yes, now they are all unparked, but that didn´t matter. I´ve noticed the CPU usage rises up 100% in all of the sudden, without any other programs (including antivirus) open.

Again, my build is not bad. Everything goes along fine. It´s just the lag spikes.
Ok, so you have a CPU spike. Do some backtracking with your mind: did you install/ uninstall anything in the last 3 weeks? Can you run a few stress tests for both CPU and GPU?

Do you have a dual monitor setup? If you do, start task manager, go to processes tab, set the table to be ordered by descending CPU usage and put the task manager window on the second screen while you game on the first screen; when you have the spike, check to see what's stealing CPU power. If you don't have two monitors, Google around since I'm sure there's an app like GPU-Z that can log CPU statistics for you.

I'm starting to be sure that this is a software issue/ some application stealing CPU power/ drivers problem.

Edit: the stats that you posted (GPU details and idle temps and stats) don't help at all. Can you get a screen with the sensors measurement after/ during 1H of gaming, preferrably by Alt+Tab-ing immediately during/ after a lag spike?

Good news, the problem was fixed temporarily. I found out what caused to use 100% CPU and a lot of RAM. It was a sv_host process, but it doesn´t show further information than that. I´ve ended that process and all games ran fine again. When the PC starts up again, the same thing happens over again, until I end that process.

It usually takes 1,25gb of RAM and spikes my CPU while gaming.

What could be the issue?
It's a pretty common Windows problem. It can happen to anybody.

I don't remember what is the problem with this exactly and how to fix it, but Google around and you will find a plethora of posts on how to permanently fix it in a simple way. There's not much to it.