Reinstall only SSD?

Sep 5, 2018
[Moderator note: Moved post to Windows 10.]

Hi, my WIndows is on SSD, and my apps and games are on HDD. Is there a way to reinstall only WIndows (only the ssd) without losing files on the HDD?
There is a windows feature - called "Reset", that does exactly that.
But there are possible issues with reset. In some rare situations it may not finish successfully.
So have windows install media ready (just in case).

If reset fails, then
  • disconnect HDD,
    wipe SSD,
    reinstall OS on SSD,
    reconnect HDD.
Most of software you'll have to reinstall. But user files on HDD will be untouched as well as game libraries.
What apps on PC? Are the games from Steam?

If you fresh install win 10 on the ssd, it won't know what apps are on the hdd afterwards until you install them again
If you do a reset, and keep files/settings, then you PC will know about the apps (if they from the store) as it will have a record of the registry entries associated with the user.

If games are steam, you can reinstall the steam client on C after the fact, and point the Default library location at the folder on the hard drive and it should find the game files and not need you to reinstall them again.

I don't get an option to remove "only the drive where windows is installed".