Reinstall Windows 7 OEM


Jan 31, 2012
Hello, I'm getting a new MoBo and I want to wipe my HDD and reinstall Windows 7.
Problem is, I have an OEM disk.
Would I be able to reinstall Windows 7 from that since its still my system I want to put it back on?

Do you still have the key for the oem disc? Is it your own? If so it should be no problem. If it can't activate - you might have to contact Microsoft and just tell them you are doing a hardware change (mobo).

To find out what kind of license you have type this in the CMD prompt running admin privliges:

slmgr /dlv

If it says OEM_COA_NSLP you should be good to go (non system locked) if it says OEM_COA_SLP (system locked) you might have to give Microsoft a call to activate it.