Hey so I am doing an upgrade of my processor , motherboard and ram , I currently have Windows 10 x64 pro retail , I am aware of OEM and Retail licenses its a Custom pc that I built myself so what will I need to do? install the cpu/mobo/ram and download Windows 10 setup through the Microsoft official site and install it through an USB and use the license key during installation??? or I can sign in through my Microsoft account since my Microsoft account is attached to the Windows 10 though digital license ??? https://prnt.sc/h3xmeh see , if I want to do the account method how will I do it? will I need to install through the USB and instead of putting the license there will there be a sign in to your Microsoft account option there ? or will I need to just install the cpu/mobo/ram then boot into windows to do it? cause sometimes when a pc's motherboard is changed it doesn't even boots into Windows