Question Reliable VPN for Streaming Media from China?


Nov 14, 2009
I recently purchased a Xiaomi TV 4 Box from China that I could use at my house to stream Chinese media. A lot of the shows on the box are locked to mainland China only, and I would like to know if anyone has found a reliable VPN that can allow me to watch Chinese TV abroad. I tried a few VPNs with servers in Mainland China, including HideMyAss and PureVPN, and they both didn't work at all. Let me know if you know of any that run well!

I want VPNs that have reliable Mainland China servers - I don't care about Hong Kong or Taiwan.
I don't think China has any dedicated VPN services, and if they did, there VPN's would be super sketchy. The Chinese government themselves state that they are against VPN's. They allow Chinese citizens to access unrestricted content that would normally be blocked by the Great Firewall of China, which their government does not want (China censors a lot of things!).

Also, popular VPN's in the US and Europe state what information they log, if they log any information at all. I highly doubt that any VPN service in China would have any privacy statement, or would care about your privacy in general.

So sadly, because China is against VPN's in general, you won't find a safe and reliable VPN server/service in China.