reloading acer aspire one netbook with windows 7- process hangs on installing Office 2010. How can i bypass office installatio

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Feb 9, 2011
Restoring Acer Aspire One Netbook using ALT F10-formats the hard drive and restores to factory condition supposedly- process hangs on installing Office 2010. How can we bypass office 2010? it looks like Windows is installed but when I reboot-it does not load Windows 7?
Has anyone else experieinced this problem?
Mine is not a Solution,but since Im on Disability and Lack of Extra money with Zero to waste,I have to do what I can to make it work because its how I pay my bills each month.. I did on the 15th Jan was having problems and my network provider sent a text that I had a Bot,but I already knew before they told me and was preparing for it,I always keep a passport on hand to relieve memory over load on my computer as this is my 2nd acer and keep my pictures,videos,,etc stored on it so if it does take a crap on me I dont loose all my doccuments..,but anyway as I went thru the steps of a Full Recovery,It Stalled on 21 of 30? something for office 2010 I figured it was running a little slow so I took a nap 10 hrs later nothing changed,so I didnt want to hit recovery again so I had both hands ready and all fingers to and kept tapping the windows button and could see it was loaded the start menu was there but it wanted to keep set on office so i would hit start quickley then restart computer finally got to where i wanted and,started going thru all of the programs to see what was missing and repair missing drivers from acer download,etc,,its back running but still not where it should be,.Im just wondering how many times have they set.Alt-F10 to work a full recovery without skipping,or missing key elements that are needed more than office,,before it quits working all together...I dont know if this will help but it has me till i can get the full Windows fixed,,I went into Command prompt and put after computer restarts Windows resume where left from...and by doing that it has restarted with windows opening up and going to start menu,like put in passwrd,then your blue screen instead of black screen with a Dot in the corner not knowing where to go ..if you know where you can get a free windows 7 download to fix this ,let me know..
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