Remote desktop help


Feb 22, 2015
Hello, so my school uses a remote desktop to do homework etc on. anyway my friend downloaded a film from video grabby called "welcome to hogwarts" and whne i came back he was palying it. Anyway, i opened my folder that it was saved in today on my gaming pc and i accidently opened the video file, i then closed it after about 5 seconds, the film never loaded, but im now scared because i don't want to harm my PC (It means alot to me + i ahve to download 2-300GB on a 2mb Download speed). Will me opening the video for about 5-10 seconds through the remote desktop harm my personal computer? thank you in advance,

If it was on the remote machine, then your gaming machine should be OK. If you want to be sure, run a scan with your anti-virus and Malwarebytes just to be sure.

Hello, i'm quite sure its a remote machine, here's the link: (<--- Click student 1) does it look like one? xD i'm paranoid

Okay thank you very much, and no worrys, i problerly wouldn't click it from a stranger either 😛 thank you anyways buddy 😀