Remote Device Monitoring


Nov 13, 2017
I would like to invest in a device (router ?) that would allow me to remotely monitor devices connected to my home network. Main reason is, I want to be able to - EASILY - look at what my kids are doing on their computers (remotely) and deny them access or close out the current program they are running. If they are doing school work...great...if they are gaming, I would like to be able to shut them down or ideally, shut down the program they are running..and only allow access for school programs or sites that they need. I have looked at Disney Circle...but nothing else. I assume it is a hardware AND software solution. For monitoring, I would like to use my desktop AND my iphone. Thanks!
You will not see much on a router anymore. Almost every site uses HTTPS so all you see is encrypted traffic. Since a lot of sites use large shared data centers the ip address do not actually tell you what the actual site and some location share ip addresses with multiple servers with different domain names.

You are better off loading software on the clients to restrict them. Software like K9 is designed for family use and is free. It is very easy to use and uses the massive content filter lists the large bluecoat appliances use. There is some logging in the k9 software but if it works like it did the last time I saw it the main deterrent was that it made dog barking noises on the speakers when it blocked stuff the kids were accessing.
Thank you for that Bill. How about the ability to turn off the access to a particular device remotely? So I can turn off access at any given time if I dont want kids that are home alone to be able to access wifi at all - per device?

That requires 2 things:

1. Remote administration to be turned ON.
Most routers have that OFF by default, for good reason. If you can access it from outside, maybe other people can as well.

2. Parental Controls. Most mid-grade and up routers have this.