Remote Install from CDROM


Dec 31, 2007
Hi! The CDROM failed in my machine & I'm trying to install Office2K from a remote CDROM drive. I can access the drive thru NetNeighborhood with no problems. Once I run the setup.exe file (& enter software serial #) I'm prompted to point to the drive where Office2K is located. Problem is that my mapped network drive (N:\) DOESN'T appear as an option. Only the physical & logical drives on the local machine. I can't browse to the location & it won't let me type in the path either. This is the first time I've ever had a problem installing software from a remote CDROM drive! Anybody have any suggestions? Thx in advance!!
Ever tryed to mapp CD-rom?

And they said schizophrenia is annoying?
If you have the disk space, map a drive to the network cdrom and copy the files to the hard drive and install from the hard drive.It may not be the best way, but sometimes we have to use what works.