Remove UnInstall Information


Oct 4, 2003
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsnt.misc (More info?)

I need to free up space on my disk. There are many hidden
directories with a name similar to NtUninstallKB123456$
under the C:\WINNT folder. My understanding is these are
files to reverse the application of a patch if needed.
The system has been quite stable for some time now. It
seems I will not want to reverse any of these patches.
Can I just delete the directories or is there a better
way to do this? And, what about the
$NtServicePackUninstall$ folder? Thanks
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsnt.misc (More info?)

Yes you can delete the directories.


Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft Certified Professional
Microsoft MVP [Windows]

"Randy" wrote:
|I need to free up space on my disk. There are many hidden
| directories with a name similar to NtUninstallKB123456$
| under the C:\WINNT folder. My understanding is these are
| files to reverse the application of a patch if needed.
| The system has been quite stable for some time now. It
| seems I will not want to reverse any of these patches.
| Can I just delete the directories or is there a better
| way to do this? And, what about the
| $NtServicePackUninstall$ folder? Thanks
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsnt.misc (More info?)

Thank you for the reply. It seems to me that Microsoft
should make this a much easier process.

>-----Original Message-----
>Hi Randy,
>have a look at:
>for full information of what steps should be taken to
remove the $NTUnistall$
>folders from your machine - to completely cleanup takes
more than just deleting
>the folders.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsnt.misc (More info?)

Hi Randy,

I agree - the cleanup should be far less painful than it is ! Unfortunately, as
you have by now no doubt learned by bitter experience yourself, Microsoft have
this extremely strange idea that they OWN your machine, and can fill it up with
as much superfluous nonsence as they like, and give you no way to remove it again.

Installing any version of Internet Explorer is a classic case in point - you get
a LOT more than the web browser that you asked for, and absolutely NO way of
removing it, short of a complete OS reload!
