Reocurring low FPS after reinstalling graphics drivers


Dec 11, 2016
Hey i have recently had really bad fps drops. Before i could play Lol on medium settings with 60 fps and now I get barely 30 fps at best. The weird thing is if i delete my graphics card drivers and reinstall them my FPS goes back to normal, and after sometimes 2 hours sometimes 2 days my fps drops again.
Any ideas what to do?
Hello... You have a wonderful CPU and Ram... you have a Office GPU. B /

You need a GTX model in there... for FPS B ) Take a digital of your PS label and case layout/size and post the images... and we can recommend a option(s) for you.

It looks like a "special" small compact PC, PS, case... and single wide GPU card B O... they do make them, but your PS may not let you.

If you wanna turn/use these parts into a 'Gaming PC" you should get a case, PS, and GPU.
Thanks for the help, and i definetly know my GPU sucks, but i really only play League on pc so i dont really need anything more. But do you have any tips why my fps suddenly keeps dropping?
Hello... you CPU/GPU has a better GPU performance than the GT 705...

As a "simple test" go into your BIO's see if you can enable just the CPU/GPU, allocate 1-2GB or more system memory to it (save&exit) and plug into (VGA or HDMI) of the MB video port for the next boot.
Install the Windows driver Intel® HD Graphics 4600 (if needed) and re-test your FPS B /