Repaste o change thermal pads GTX 1070 G1 Gaming

Mar 12, 2018
i opened my Gigabyte 1070 g1 gaming to clean the dust and i noticed the state of the thermal pads and paste, should i replace it? also i hear a noise when my graphics card its a 95+% load, i thought it was the fans but i check thos by stoping them manualy and the noise still appear but only when the grapichs card its under load of 95+%
sorry for my english. im still learning hope you can help me with this

Yes, now that you've removed the cooler, you now need to replace the paste and pads.....sometimes the pads can be used again, but you always need to replace the paste every time you take the cooler off.

As for the noise, most likely it's "coil whine", it's quite common and there isn't much you can do about it.
Yes, now that you've removed the cooler, you now need to replace the paste and pads.....sometimes the pads can be used again, but you always need to replace the paste every time you take the cooler off.

As for the noise, most likely it's "coil whine", it's quite common and there isn't much you can do about it.
oh didn't know abou coil whine, maybe that it's causing the noise, i started to heart it after i reassemble the card, i will replace the paste and pads hope this willimprove my temps and stop that noise