Replace acrylic of a side case ?

It appears to be little clips holding it in place, that pass through slots in the acrylic and just bend over to secure it, judging by this part of this case-modding video where they appear to be reinstalling the original acrylic panel after painting the case...

If you decided to replace it with a self-cut panel though, it might be hard to accurately cut those slots, so you might want to bend over the clips and use something like epoxy to secure the panel in place, or maybe even hot glue if the panel is lightweight enough. Note that they also cut some acrylic earlier in that video after using tape to mask it off, though not for a side panel. They use a table saw, but it should also be possible to...

can i learn from somewhere? i cant find any tuto

There is no specific "tutorial" for DIY stuff like this.

How is the current panel held on?

idk what u mean srry i speak spanish, but i think u mean that is holding with a little plastic line

"a little plastic line"
I have no idea what that means.

The acrylic is glued to the metal side panel, probably?

There are maybe multiple ways to fix this.
Possibly buff the scratches out? That's where I would start.

That was going to be my second suggestion.

The third would be to go into the garage and retrieve a bunch of tools, starting with a Dremel, sandpaper, and 2 part epoxy.
Followed by a trip to the store for a suitable piece of acrylic or Lexan.
You could buff out the scratch. Goto automotive store and get 3M headlight lens restorer kit. The one that has sandpaper disks and buffer pad. Use a high-speed cordless drill.

That's if you have a 'good' feel for using that tool and a soft hand. If you are the 'bull in a China shop' kinda person, spring for a new panel.
It appears to be little clips holding it in place, that pass through slots in the acrylic and just bend over to secure it, judging by this part of this case-modding video where they appear to be reinstalling the original acrylic panel after painting the case...

If you decided to replace it with a self-cut panel though, it might be hard to accurately cut those slots, so you might want to bend over the clips and use something like epoxy to secure the panel in place, or maybe even hot glue if the panel is lightweight enough. Note that they also cut some acrylic earlier in that video after using tape to mask it off, though not for a side panel. They use a table saw, but it should also be possible to use a jigsaw. Even something like a dremel tool might work for thinner plastic using the right cutting bit.

Another option would be to find a local glass cutting business that will cut a rectangle of tempered glass to fit the dimensions you specify, so that you could replace the panel with something less-likely to scratch in the future. Tempered glass would likely be extremely difficult to cut at home without ruining it though.

Either way, just make sure the replacement panel is larger than the hole, so that there's a good amount of overlap and you can secure it without too much trouble. That also means you might not have to cut those corner angles, and instead just make two cuts for a simple rectangle. It would probably be best to cut a template out of cardboard first to test the fit though.