Replaced mobo, CPU, and RAM but test build has no monitor display


Feb 18, 2017
I replaced my CPU, mobo, and RAM last night (links below to the parts and their specs). The monitor gets no signal and stays idle.

I tried doing a test boot somewhat out of the case, meaning my power supply was already mounted inside my case with the rest of the cables, so I just lowered the mobo on a book inside the case to connect everything else up.

I found the power switch pins and shorted them to do a test boot. All of the connected components get power (CPU power connected, GPU power connected, RAM connected). The fans are on, the lights on the mobo are on.

There are LED 'ez debug' indicators on my new mobo for RAM, CPU, and VGA. None of these lights are on when all of the components are plugged in (doesn't make a difference in the GPU is plugged in or not).

The LED light for the RAM does turn on for 2 - 3 seconds after the system gets power, but then it stays off. I've tried plugging the monitor into the mobo's connections as well as two different GPUs.

I tried switching the stick of RAM into different slots, no change.

I don't have a speaker to test for beeps. I will probably pick one up if nothing else because right now I'm out of ideas.

CPU, Intel COre i3-7100:


RAM, G.SKILL Aegis 8GB 288-Pin DDR4 SRAM:

Power supply:

Old GPU, HIS IceQ Radeon HD 7870:

New GPU, Geforce GTX 1050:

I couldn't find my exact GPU on newegg, but that link for the new GPU is similar.
I took some pics as well of my test setup, so you can see the new GPU is different than any you can find on newegg right now.

Pics of the setup:
Motherboard needs BIOS update to tun Kaby Lake CPU. Your options: get SkyLake CPU and upgrade BIOS yourself OR find a comp shop which can do that for you OR return mobo and get one that supports Kaby Lake out of box (any B250 should do the trick).
Motherboard needs BIOS update to tun Kaby Lake CPU. Your options: get SkyLake CPU and upgrade BIOS yourself OR find a comp shop which can do that for you OR return mobo and get one that supports Kaby Lake out of box (any B250 should do the trick).

That's interesting, wouldn't the CPU LED be on indicating that issue?

Edit: I get a lot of CPUs when I search up SkyLake. Any one you could recommend that's similar in price to what I got? Thanks for your help!!!

CPU LED on suggests CPU malfunction (due to bad install or just dead CPU). But here you got perfectly good CPU, just BIOS unable to 'talk' to it.
7100 is supposed to replace 6100. Their prices should be very close.