Replaced PSU and motherboard but PC still wont start after power outage


Feb 26, 2015
Had a power outage a couple of days ago and the computer took a hit. After the outage I tried the usual stuff, disconnecting the cord for a wile, plugging the computer directly into the power socket but nothing worked. All the components seem to get power, LEDs light up and all the fans are moving but i get no signal to the monitor. I've tried the monitor with my laptop and it's working fine.

I then borrowed a PSU from a friend to check if that was the issue but the problem was still there. I decided to buy a new motherboard because I couldn't hear any beeps at all so it seemed logical the motherboard was fried. The brand new motherboard arrived today and I installed it, while installing I notice that I have no mobo speaker in the chassi (it's a Phantom 410) so no wonder I didn't hear any beeps... silly me. So my old motherboard probably works just fine but something else is causing the problem.

I've also checked the memory sticks one by one with no effect but shouldn't I see a boot menu if this was caused by a bad memory?

So before I go wasting more money I thought I'd ask could a dead CPU or graphics card be causing this? If not what else could it be? I have been looking around for a mobo speaker but noone I know seems to have a semi-portable one and the only place I can find that sells them is amazon and ebay and that will take a month with shipping.

Perhaps several components are fried? What's the best way of diagnosing this without internal speakers?:S

Appreciate any help I can get
Well, I do not know where you live, but I would reach out my local physical-existing PC shop and either ask to borrow or buy a speaker. They will have them.

My knowledge is inferior to many others here, but without the speakers it is pretty darn hard to figure out which or indeed how many components are dead.

I had the exact same symptoms you are describing on my 6-years-old rig, LED lights working - fans spinning, and the problem turned out to be my PSU, though these symptoms can be much more than just a fried PSU - and even you testing your rig with a friends PSU, pretty much discourages this theory.
I do recall something similar too...albeit I was still a little extremely ignorant kid and I managed to fit a DDR2 module into a DDR1 slot. (don't ask how, because idk)
Leds on, fans spinning, no beeps and nothing shown on screen.
After dodging a module which tried to kill me (because, as I tried to pull it out, it literally jumped out of the case like a grasshopper), it eventually booted up again.

If you tried all the modules one by one on the new MoBo, then it's definitely not that (unless they ALL fried up). The only things left from what you've tested remain a fried CPU or a burned HDD, although the latter should be able to get you up to POST at least, so it's unlikely the cause...
I agree with whateverworks tho; if you can, in some way, get a motherboard speaker, the beeps might point out the culprit with a higher accuracy.
I'll try asking the hardware shop in town, perhaps they have something in the back even if they don't advertise it on their homepage.
Also asked a friend to bring over some memory sticks, just to make sure that's not the issue! will report back once he gets here ^.^
ok, same problem with his memory sticks.

Wierd thing I've noticed, I can't shut the computer off with the power button, I have to cut the power to the PSU to shut it off. I can start it up with the button just fine though. Wierd.
Things are pointing towards the CPU...but to remove more doubts about it, there are a couple extra hoops you could jump through.
- If you have one or can borrow one, try a different GPU. If you have one, the CPU integrated one will be useful in checking if it's indeed the issue.
- Try your HDD with an external docking station or another computer.

Both the GPU and the HDD shouldn't cause a complete boot lockdown, but it would be good to check them out anyway, just in case.
Another thing would be a DOA motherboard, but after a possibly fried one, a DOA new model would just be absolutely bad luck....
Tested the HDD on a different computer and it's working fine.

Don't have integrated graphics on either of the mobos sadly. The monitor works when plugged to the laptop though. I'll try and get a hold of a mobo speaker later today.

Appreciate the help!
Plug your GPU into a different PC and see if it works. If not then the only thing left is CPU, right?

He's using a new MoBo from what I've understood, which could be somewhat seen as a different PC IMO, unless he was extremely unlucky and got a DOA board...
Rather than trying his card in a new system, he should try a new card in the existing one, possibly borrowed from a friend obviously.
Otherwise yes, from all he's tried beforehand, it's either the GPU itself (although I keep thinking it's weird it has such an impact) or the CPU.
Thus far it sounds like the CPU is the culprit unfortunately. If nothing improves with another GPU in the new mobo the only two possibilities is either the CPU, which I find likely, or as Mr. @Vynavill pointed out, the unlikely though not impossible scenario wherein your board is dead. However, given that it is a new board and that the problems existed prior to its arrival, I find that very unlikely.