I was given an expensive custom made pc as a gift. It was quiet to begin with but soon became noisy. I've isolated the problem to the fan and heatsink, which appears to be an old Acer model!
I'm unable to contact the maker of the pc so asked Acer for update suggestions but they weren't able to help as it isn't one of their computers, apart from advising me to look at fans suitable for LGA 1151. So, will any fan do? The board is vertical if that's any help.
The seller's incomplete notes says my pc has ASUS H110M-PLUS (DDR4, S-ATA 600, Micro ATX) with INTEL i5-660K SR2L4 350GHZ X611B140 (E4).
I've researched different models and wondered if this would suitable for my computer? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Noctua-PWM-Fan-Small-System/dp/B00TBHYYFK/ref=pd_rhf_se_p_img_14?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=VT7ABGCPP67C4QXH057Q
The innards of the pc:
The cpu and bracket and heatsink were covered in excess thermal paste. Hope this hasn't affected the workings.
I'm unable to contact the maker of the pc so asked Acer for update suggestions but they weren't able to help as it isn't one of their computers, apart from advising me to look at fans suitable for LGA 1151. So, will any fan do? The board is vertical if that's any help.
The seller's incomplete notes says my pc has ASUS H110M-PLUS (DDR4, S-ATA 600, Micro ATX) with INTEL i5-660K SR2L4 350GHZ X611B140 (E4).
I've researched different models and wondered if this would suitable for my computer? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Noctua-PWM-Fan-Small-System/dp/B00TBHYYFK/ref=pd_rhf_se_p_img_14?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=VT7ABGCPP67C4QXH057Q
The innards of the pc:
The cpu and bracket and heatsink were covered in excess thermal paste. Hope this hasn't affected the workings.