Replacement of Firewall / Independent Review Required


Sep 8, 2016
We are in the planning phase to replace traditional CISCO ASA 5510 and Microsoft TMG Server.

We have following requirement.

This box should be capable of the FW features along with URL Filtering, Modern day IPS and the Malware Detection System.
The total no. of users @ 3 diff. sites are 175 to 200, but the future solution should be capable of catering 250 users.

We have discussed and shortlisted found following products.

SOPHUS XG330 , FORTINET FG-200D , HILLSTONE E2800 , CYBERROM CR 100ing , CISCO 5508x , CISCO 5516x.

Although we have see features on all these products and all look are near by however i want to take independent review on below parameters.

Ease of Management Rating
Strength Rating

Kindly help and suggest your answers.

Good luck finding this. There is massive competition in this area. Some brands though are just reworks of free software pfsense.

You missed 2 very common large brands. Juniper and palo alto. You could also look at check point but that is still outrageously priced compared to others but it is considered the simplest to configure especially by non technical.

Most the issues in performance are related to the content filters. It depends if you plan to subscribe to these filter lists or key your own.

There really is no clear comparison. You will see manufactures comparing to other manufactures but there is little independent review. Most others are personal opinion. People will like what they are most familiar with. So...
Good luck finding this. There is massive competition in this area. Some brands though are just reworks of free software pfsense.

You missed 2 very common large brands. Juniper and palo alto. You could also look at check point but that is still outrageously priced compared to others but it is considered the simplest to configure especially by non technical.

Most the issues in performance are related to the content filters. It depends if you plan to subscribe to these filter lists or key your own.

There really is no clear comparison. You will see manufactures comparing to other manufactures but there is little independent review. Most others are personal opinion. People will like what they are most familiar with. So recommendation mean very little it becomes a popularity contest not necessarily a valid comparison.

I would stay with larger well known brands of equipment. Mostly it means you will find a lot of support from internet sources as well as the company itself. For example cisco stuff you tend to always be able to find configuration examples. Still there are many other brands that have good support.
Agreed, each product is very different.

For me, I would prefer setup a firewall appliance by myself. There are a lot open sourced firewall systems with very rich features, such as WFilter, pfsense, and untangle.