Hi, so I bought a new internal SSD for my Dell G7 7790 laptop. It is an M.2 1TB SSD, compared to the existing 256 GB SSD. The laptop also has a 1TB HDD. I have been trying to no avail to get Windows onto the new SSD.
Here's what I have tried:
Create System Image on an external Seagate SSD
Swap in the new SSD
Enter Bios, eventually give up trying to boot after trying every option and almost breaking the computer
Put old SSD back in to try and make a Recovery Drive instead, but that doesn't save personal files? I would like to essentially clone my system drive and just swap it all over to the new.
In progress of downloading Windows 10 Installation Media, not sure how to use it to boot
In short I've been googling for hours and am lost. I need help figuring what is next, with the tools I have. I don't have a Windows CD nor do I have a Disk drive. How do I do this with jujst my computer and an external SSD?
Here's what I have tried:
Create System Image on an external Seagate SSD
Swap in the new SSD
Enter Bios, eventually give up trying to boot after trying every option and almost breaking the computer
Put old SSD back in to try and make a Recovery Drive instead, but that doesn't save personal files? I would like to essentially clone my system drive and just swap it all over to the new.
In progress of downloading Windows 10 Installation Media, not sure how to use it to boot
In short I've been googling for hours and am lost. I need help figuring what is next, with the tools I have. I don't have a Windows CD nor do I have a Disk drive. How do I do this with jujst my computer and an external SSD?