Well I purchased the Hyper 212 Evo yesterday and within an hour it was buzzing (likely faulty bearing). I've narrowed it down to being the cooler fan and I'd like to just fully replace it. Never had a mounted fan like this before so am just curious is the Vortex viable to mount in the same manner as the stock fan? Also will this provide enough air flow in replacement of the stock fan? The fan in question http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835553002
Edit: Also the only way the mounting allows me to position the cooler is with the fan towards the bottom of the case (near the gpu) and blowing upwards. Most builds I've seen has the fan mounted towards the front of the case blowing out the rear exhaust. Is this normal or should I attempt to modify it to mount the other way?
Edit: Also the only way the mounting allows me to position the cooler is with the fan towards the bottom of the case (near the gpu) and blowing upwards. Most builds I've seen has the fan mounted towards the front of the case blowing out the rear exhaust. Is this normal or should I attempt to modify it to mount the other way?