Replacing notebook memory + other questions

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Jurj Bogdan

Apr 2, 2014
First of all, I don't really have a lot of experience building PCs - as in I get the concepts but I didn't really do it becasue of money. And sorry if I didn't post this in the right subforum!

Recently I got a gift: an Asus X550Jx notebook (my 1st ever notebook / laptop). Set it up and I'm really stoked about it, but it has a minor downside: 4GB of RAM. Here's why i'd like upgrading, but I don't think it's relevant:

I love gaming,but my PC is not really strong enough for newer stuff. Here comes the witcher 3 - yes, I did play it on a dual core, 4gb ram pc up untill the story brought me to Novigrad, 'from where it's really impossible to progress. But this notebooks specs should be enough to play it at it's native resolution with low-ish settings if I had more RAM, and I really want to play it

Here are my questions:

  • Is changing a Notebook's memory as easy as doing it on a desktop pc? Just open the case, remove old memory and pop in new sticks?

    What do I need to keep in mind choosing the memory (it's DDR3)? I'm guessing frequency and...?

    Is a cooling pad required to extend it's life?

    Sticking to the theme, just how "fragile" are laptops? I've heard they overcook a LOT faster than desktops (and it seems logical), but just how much is a lot? Could I safely play some intesive-ish games on it - at least play 2 hour a day on it without ruining it in a month, maybe?

Is changing a Notebook's memory as easy as doing it on a desktop pc? Just open the case, remove old memory and pop in new sticks?
Answer : Yes almost as Desktop [but some laptop have ram soldered]

What do I need to keep in mind choosing the memory (it's DDR3)? I'm guessing frequency and...?
Answer : Yes you do. DDR3 1600 MHz SDRAM 4 Gb is a right choice . If you have 4 gb buy the next 4 gb.
[ assuming this is your laptop link: ]

Is a cooling pad required to extend it's life?
Answer : yes butb for laptop is not required.

how "fragile" are laptops? I've heard they overcook a LOT faster than desktops
Answer : Laptop are not Fragile but are more fragile than Desktop. Yes the laptop...
Is changing a Notebook's memory as easy as doing it on a desktop pc? Just open the case, remove old memory and pop in new sticks?
Answer : Yes almost as Desktop [but some laptop have ram soldered]

What do I need to keep in mind choosing the memory (it's DDR3)? I'm guessing frequency and...?
Answer : Yes you do. DDR3 1600 MHz SDRAM 4 Gb is a right choice . If you have 4 gb buy the next 4 gb.
[ assuming this is your laptop link: ]

Is a cooling pad required to extend it's life?
Answer : yes butb for laptop is not required.

how "fragile" are laptops? I've heard they overcook a LOT faster than desktops
Answer : Laptop are not Fragile but are more fragile than Desktop. Yes the laptop are more susceptible to warm .

Your laptop is good but for gaming with Witcher 3 High detail maybe 38 fps
link :

If you want to game seriously buy a desktop [and pay some money on it] or set a medium detail .......

2 hours intense gaming on laptop ............... life is short ......................[ and the laptop life is shorter ..] ...

Goo Luck

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